Month: January 2012

If you subscribe to the Stitch (Papernstitch’s newsletter) you probably read the news already! My felt flower tutorial is one of the top 2 shared tutorials on the Papernstitch blog for 2011 with more than 2,000 tweets. Thanks for sharing my tutorial! I love making felt flowers and glad that some of you do too! In…

new items in the shop

I have lots to share with you today including 11 new heartfelt hoop art. A brand-new set of felt flowers. A new Etsy banner. So let’s dive in. As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been so inspired by the new colors of felt I’ve been hoarding buying. I’ve also been stocking up on wooden embroidery…

so much felt, so little time

It seems like I can’t keep up with all the new items I’ve been making for the shop. I credit the new supplies I’ve been collecting. Lots of new colors of felt. I am also experimenting with new brands of felt and blends. Up until now, I’ve used the eco-friendly felt available at both Joanns…

Happy New Year!

It’s been such a busy past couple of days in our little household. After recovering from the Christmas festivities, I had anticipated a week of trying to come up with ways of entertaining the kiddos. We had no real plans other than hang out with each other at home and play with all our new toys (kids…