Month: January 2012

snow day!

Eight inches of snow is a big deal here where I live in the Seattle area. Our snow is wet and slushy (unlike the white stuff you get on the east coast that compact down) and causes cars and trucks to slip and slide and schools to close. My daughters loved the snow (in moderation). Once it got too…

etsy love mondays!

Hoop to be going in the shop soon! I will be offering different colorways 🙂 It’s been such a great (and nervewracking) experience setting up my shop on Etsy, getting wonderful feedback from customers and exploring the Etsy community.  So many creative and talented people out there. So I’d love to share some of my…

I forgot to share my news! I was shocked to find out that my “I Heart You” hoop was featured in the Etsy Finds’ “Most Treasured” newsletter on Wednesday.  According to the newsletter, it contained “what’s trending today among the tastemakers of Etsy’s Treasury“. I was definitely tickled to be on the list, especially because the…

putting it all together

One of the unexpected perks (and joys) of having my own Etsy shop is designing the packaging for the items. There’s something about adding a hang tag to an item that makes it look professional and just so darn cute! Luckily, I am a reformed scrapbooker (i.e. I am a former obsessed scrapbooker who used to…

busy bee

There’s just something about felt that I love! It’s been a busy week. Packing orders and making custom orders. I personalized these felt party favor flowers with a “Happy Valentine’s Day” message on the kraft backing. I re-listed the set of 10 in my shop, in case you want to order some in time for Valentine’s Day!…