welcome papercat blog readers + 10% sale

If you’re visiting this blog for the first time, welcome! Especially if you came over from papercat  (my scrapbooking/personal blog).  I’m so glad you’re here! I am excited to share some new items I have in the shop as well as a new promotion.
{yay! new items}
This is a sweet garland to decorate your home everyday or for a festive occasion. Each felt “bead” has been needle-felted onto a strand of yarn. Re-usable, pull it out whenever you want to make your space a little prettier!
needle-felted wool garland
This felt hoop art is near and dear to me. “Make it Pretty” is my motto. At least it says that on the back of my business cards! Hand-stitched. Dimensional flowers. One of a kind design. Love it.
“make it pretty” felt embroidery hoop wall hanging

And finally, my beloved fall felt wreath! In colors of denim, goldenrod and fushcia. The one pictured is hanging on my front door, but I will make one for you too. This one does not ship immediately, but within 7 days I promise!
made-to-order 12-inch felt flower yarn-wrapped wreath
{And now for my little sale}

To receive the 10% coupon code (which you can use at Etsy when you check out), all you have to do is one of the following things:

  • subscribe to receive an e-mail whenever I post (there’s a little box on the right column – “Follow by E-mail”)
  • become a “Follower” (again look at the right column)
  • or “Like” my Catshy Crafts Fan page on Facebook.

Then, let me know at cayla73@yahoo.com and I’ll send you a coupon code to save 10% at my Etsy shop! Thanks for your support!