Featured on MoxiePear + Tips on Photography

Ever since my mom gave me my first point-and-shoot camera for a high school graduation gift, I have loved snapping photos. I’ve taken a few classes at a local community college several years ago, but I think the most important ways I’ve improved my photography is to 1) take lots of photos and 2) remember that lighting is everything. So I was tickled to be featured on MoxiePear!  Lisa White, a creative business coach, featured my photos on her blog as a example of awesome product photography. 



Quick Photo Tip

Lighting brings out the color and detail of your handmade items. Whether it be natural lighting (from a sunny window or outside on a sunny day) or artificial lighting from a lightbox, it’s important to have good lighting. For outdoor photos, be sure to avoid harsh direct sunlight. Seek shelter from the glaring sun under your porch or the shade of your house. For indoor photos, use reflectors or white board to bounce light onto your item. In my most recent product photos, I’ve been using this light box with a reflector (a piece of cardboard wrapped in tin foil).

 Favorite Photography Sites

Another great way to improve your photography? Look for photographs that you love and study them. Think about why you love them. Think about how they may have created them. Better yet, if they have a class or blog, follow them and learn from them. Here are a few of my favorite photographers:

Do you Instagram?

I love my “fancy” dSLR camera, but I also love my iPhone. I recently wrote a guest post for School House Craft on 10 Reason Why Every Creative Business Should Use Instagram. Hope you’ll check it out!



Who are your favorite photographers?