Creating Happiness: My Top 5 Resources to Spark Joy



1. Dr. Christine Carter / Happiness Expert and author of Raising Happiness

Raising Happiness was one of the first happiness/self-help books that really resonated with me. Probably because when I found it, I was a new mom raising my own family and knew how important happiness is to a child and how important your parents’ outlook on life can affect their children. It’s a parenting handbook based on real science.

2. Zen Habits / Leo Babauta

If you want easily digestible nuggets of happiness tips, read Zen Habits. His blog is uncluttered – free of ads or distracting images. Just large text on a white background. This blog definitely lives up to its name. I was also fortunate to receive his book, Zen Habits (seen in photo) as part of Leo’s recent Kickstarter project.

3. Tiny Buddha

I discovered Tiny Buddha when I was searching for quotable sayings on happiness. Many of my quote graphics are culled from Tiny Buddha’s huge collection of inspiring quotes. I also just love the image of having a pocket-sized Buddha on hand to ask advice when life gets hairy.

4. Quiet Revolution / Quiet by Susan Cain

The bible for introverts, Quiet made it clear that being soft-spoken and introspective is a superpower. The world needs and should cherish introverts! I also LOVED her TED talk.

5. Life is What You Make It / Peter Buffett

A random library find, this book by the son of billionaire Warren Buffett, found me at just the right time in my life. As I contemplate re-entering the work force and deal with a divorce, this book reminds me how important it is to forge your own path by following your passions. Don’t settle for the easy path. Discover your own joys and strengths by trying new things. Failure is welcome because it whittles your choices and helps you find the right path.



The Life-Changing Art of Tidying Up / Marie Kondo

Growing up in a cluttered home, it is no surprise that my current home is a disorganized mess most of the time. Books, clothes and yes, years of accumulated craft supplies, make my living space very un-zen and disorienting. I love this books philosophy of getting rid of anything that doesn’t spark joy in your hearts. It reminds me of my yoga class, when my teacher tells us to exhale anything that doesn’t serve us. To let go.

Disclaimer: Even though I am still reading this book and have yet to implement the “KonMari method” my 10-year-old daughter, who read the book cover to cover, is already a convert and has re-organized her younger sister’s clothing drawers!