Category: Home Decor

new items in the shop

I have lots to share with you today including 11 new heartfelt hoop art. A brand-new set of felt flowers. A new Etsy banner. So let’s dive in. As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been so inspired by the new colors of felt I’ve been hoarding buying. I’ve also been stocking up on wooden embroidery…

thankful tuesday

It’s Tuesday! Time for another thankful post. calico cat print by gingiber and superhero print by ashleyg I am thankful for:*a happy and healthy Christmas*day-after-Christmas half-off sales at 2 of my favorite thrift stores*finding frames for a couple of my Christmas presents (prints from Etsy)*finally donating a couple of boxes of books and baby clothes…

We are no John and Sherry by any stretch of the imagination, but sometimes Jamie and I like to tackle a DIY project at home. Well, usually it’s me that wants it and Jamie who plays along because he loves me 😉  It can be simple as buying and putting together an Expedit bookshelf or…

As I was photographing my felt embroidery hoop art to put in the shop yesterday, I realized that they could fall into various themes or categories. Groups of two or more looked great side-by-side, so I thought it would be fun to present them as Collections. Yup, with a capital “C”! The first was the “Sweets Collection” – 3…

To tell you the truth, I never did put much thought into Halloween decorations before. Aside from the standard jack-o-lanterns that Jamie carves every year. But this year was different. Maybe it’s because I didn’t make Sofia’s costume this year (other than buying a black hoodie, a black headband and black pipecleaners for her butterfly…