November 2, 2017

I have a confession to make. I am a recovering Debbie downer. I never looked for the silver lining. I saw half-empty glasses all around me. Probably from a combination of anxiety and depression dating back to my tween years, I tended to look on the not-so-bright side. The dark side. Imagining the worst and expecting…

Hello. My name is Cathy and I am a quote addict. I collect quotes and mantras and affirmations. My heart skips a beat when I read a passage in a book that truly speaks to me. My eyes widen with awe when I see an inspiring meme as I scroll past photos on my Instagram feed. My soul vibrates…
September 6, 2015

Expressing gratitude to someone is a gift that rewards both the giver and the receiver. Whenever you feel gratitude for someone or something, expressing it – through a simple thank you or kind gesture – will open your heart to a bit of happiness. A decade of gratitude studies show that people who give thanks…

1. Dr. Christine Carter / Happiness Expert and author of Raising Happiness Raising Happiness was one of the first happiness/self-help books that really resonated with me. Probably because when I found it, I was a new mom raising my own family and knew how important happiness is to a child and how important your parents’ outlook…
Happiness… so many words While thinking about what to write for my first post in my new blog series – Creating Happiness, I knew I *had* to start each post with a quote. I’ve been posting these happy nuggets for a few years on my blog and various social media channels, like Pinterest. I’m so…