Month: February 2012

happy valentine’s day!

I hope you’re enjoying your Valentine’s Day!Today, I dropped off the custom order I made for my daughter’s teacher, went to my older daughter’s class to lead the craft: a heart mobile, and am getting ready to eat a home-cooked meal made by my hubby. This year, we’re not getting a babysitter, but having a…

thrifty thursdays

It’s been a while since I did a thrifty thursdays post! In fact, this may be my second one, ever. Not for lack of thrifting. I visit a local thrift store at a nearby church fairly regularly, but don’t get around to photographing my finds. (I’d love to do a post featuring my favorite finds…

Linen is a traditional material for cross-stitch and embroidery. I love the organic look and neutral color of this material! I had one other hoop in the shop that used linen (which sold pretty quickly), but  haven’t made another one…until now. Since I’ve been getting several requests for personalized hoops, I thought I would offer…


hello love. zara. Here’s some more scrapbooking layouts to share. The first is a digital one. For supplies, click here. I love this one so much, I printed it out and made a hybrid layout for the challenge at Studio Calico: to use journaling from something you’ve written electronically. The title is something I posted…