Month: December 2011

thrifty finds

I’d love to get into a routine on my blog. So, Monday was Etsy Love, Tuesday was Thankful Tuesday and today I declare Thrifty Finds Thursdays! One of my other loves (that seems to go hand in hand with indie crafts and the handmade movement) is thrifting! I have only recently discovered the thrill of the hunt…

If you’re like me and leave the stocking stuffers until the last minute, you might have a few people on your gift list that aren’t checked off yet. Most of the items in my shop would fit in the proverbial Christmas stocking. And better yet, most are under $15 and super-cute to boot. Two of my hoop arts even…

thankful tuesdays

I’m feeling extra thankful today. I’m thankful for:+ storytime at the library, a free and fun way to spend part of a chilly morning+fallen leaves that give me an incentive to get outside and exercise+my two daughters who love a good book+husband who can cook (tonight we’re having carbonara!)+a clean house +opportunity to create my own business and…

our charlie brown tree

Have you gotten your Christmas tree yet? We went to a tree farm about 20 minutes from us and cut down this little guy. Sofia picked it out and we all agreed that is the cutest tree we ever had! And who can beat the $11 price tag! (We got a discount for paying in cash.)…